Tuesday, August 31, 2010

watching A Nightmare on Elm Street!!

pergh!! citer sgt la mndebar kn, n cter sgt mgejut kn aku...

hahaha...wlaupn gmbar nyer xcntik, but still bole tgk lg...

huhuh....klu ader skit jtung, dh lme ak kena heart attack, but the story it quite trill...

adeyh...crita ni, xbole nk tido, klu tido je, org jhat msti muncul.byang kn la klu bnda tu trjadi....

xnk plak cm skit ati sbb xbole nk tido...

adeyh....knapa la cter ni sgt mndebarkn...

pembalasan dendam yg bkan atas ksalahn mereka sndiri..

adeyh..ksian nyer..pgakhiran nyer, llki tu mmg jahat...

ahhhh!!!!jahat nyer...

emosi plak.heheh

royale chulan!!!

on 4hb of september....

majlis bkak pose with my community kat the royale chulan....
amazing....cant wait!!!!

tgk website die,adeyh!! sgt la high, very impresive tmpat die...
expectation, byran bkak pose mybe around rm50 to rm100, but....
the payment is less den that...heheh...class sgt.heheh

take a look of the picture

its very beautiful???heheh
just cant wait on this coming Saturday 4hb, also my mom bufday.heheh

tmmorow 1st of september my dad bufday....nice....=)

merdeka day!!!

salam syg.hehe.

arini genap malaysia merdeka dr jajahan selama 53 taun.woowww!!!
dh 53 taun rupe nyer,
tp diri sendiri ade kah sudah merdeka???
i dont think so, byk bnda kena betul kn dlm diri sndiri, trutama nyer atitude, dont make the same atitude kin, plz la change...


wah!! kat luar sne ujan, ujan rahmat di bulan puase, tggal bbrapa ari je lg nk raya....
adekah prsiapan raya dh buat??hahaha. nk pk jap.hurm....
dh kot.hahaha.xper la.byk mse lg ni nk ready.hahaha(suke ready last minute)
haha.biase la tu, ader bnda yg nk kena sttle kn dlu...

aiyark kin!!! dh msuk blan 9 ni......ape dh jd ni???
bila nk move on!!!
come on kin, u can do it!!!!
yess!! i can do it, just do it, anything can happen, last mnute pn klu ltak put efforts, miracle will happen..

i believe in myself, come on!!!

people can help u, but first u must help ur self first, do a first step, den u know what to do next.hehehe

well motivate diri sndiri melalui blog.hehehe
maybe motivate bkan slaen brckp, sometime we need to write it down.heheh

aja2 fighthing.hehehe

Monday, August 23, 2010

it's being long time since february....

olll!!!it's being long time since february i nva touch dis blog...
huhuh.i'm kindda miss it..my sweet blog.(sweet ker).hahaha
now august, 23 august.hehe.byk bnda brlaku dlm masa febuari hingga ke ari ini..
a lot of thing, sweet memory, bad memory, memory yg sederhana manis n pahit.heheh(ade ker, ntah la)hehehe..
but i think i can make it, wlaupun sometime rse xkuat n nk jatuh, but bile rse nk jatuh...the way come to solve the problem.huhuh

a lot of thing i learn, how to appreaciate, belief,why u want to do it, my goal, mostly about life..

now ramadhan, the month that meaningful to everyone and it's meaning for me to, but something i still nva achive it, and i have to do something to grap it.huhuh...

i have to be smart, i have to give a lot of efforts, and i have to belief....

hurm, for the time i like to share this only, someday sometime i will share more...

sayonara!!!(yan akk curi skit bhasa jepun, ntah btol ntah tdak)hahaha

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