Thursday, July 2, 2009

cant believe but hope so...hehe

salam buat smua...heheh...
just bce2 kat daily k-pop news....Wonder girls....
korean artist....want come to malaysia.....truth or not.....hurm still not confirm...but i hope its true...

they will perform in MTV Asia....

ak psti pminat dorg kat Malaysia nie xsbar nk tggu dorg dtg....
haha..trmsuk ak...hehehe....

n xslah aku...dorg xprnah dtg Malaysia xksh la..hope dorg dtg sni akn dtg...huhuh...

dlu aku pnah cter psal group nie xyah la cter lg kn...hehe

n dorg nie skrang tgh sbok prform kat US dgn Jonas Brothers.....

dorg promote dgn lgu "tell me" n "nobody"....

hope nnti dorg dtg Malaysia xder la bwk selsema khinzir kn....hahahha..joke2...
jgn la dorg trkena selsema nie.....ksian dorg klu trkena......hope dorg shat2 brlaka.....hurm...


nk tukar cter jap....wah....
cant believe my brother getting married in few days...
today thursday, tomorrow fridays....then dis saturday.....cant believe....
harap smua nyer brjalan dgn lancar...InsyaAllah.....

smpai sini jer la....nnti cter lg k....


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